
Showing posts from 2017

People who's life's make my sucky life better!

Topic: Idols Idol A person who inspires you greatly Everyone has an idol right? Some have more. An idol is someone you look up to and aspire to be. They are a role model of sorts.  Today we are getting into my list of idols. Warning: These are my opinions and I have reasons that I will list beside each idol. Also this is just a fragment of my idol list.  1: Daniel James Howell. AKA/ Daniel Howell was 'Danisnotonfire' He is my idol because we are similar. He isn't always looking at the bright side of things. Plus, he's made it pretty far from just a thing friends wanted him to do for the heck of it. He is the reason I have some of the friends I do. He also gives me hope that I can be who I want and that peoples opinions shouldn't matter. Not to mention he makes these things that life throws at me seem normal and okay. Hes shown me that having an existential crisis is okay. Just as long as you can be you its all alright. 🌌 2: Philip Michael Lester...

Love is Love!

Topic: LOVE IS LOVE! Alright, if you guys knew me in person you'd know I'm pretty chill with anything. But The Rainbow Community..... *Squeal* I am in love with the community. I fully support LOVE IS LOVE and YOU CAN'T CHOSE WHO YOU LOVE. OK, I was raised up to be loving and kind to all. I was raised up that anyone could love another despite of gender or lack thereof. My mom wanted me to accept everyone for who they are. She also has told me that she will love me no matter what. Now, I'm not trying to hurt any of you by saying any of that. I just thought since we are on the topic I might as well shed some truth. I'm also not saying that people hate because of hating parents, or vice versa. I just wanted you guys to know that was how it is for me. In other words.... I want to be like that for you guys. I want to give you guys the loving atmosphere that I've had. I want all of you to know I will love you no matter what you are or who you love. I'm here...


Hey guys! I am so sorry for not posting for over a week. I have good reasons I swear. I DIDN'T forget about you guys. First off, I had WiFi issues. My WiFi motem was getting phased out, so they were cutting out WiFi. Which sucks, I honestly hated life with our WiFi. I was bored out of my mind. But it came back so we are all good there. Reason two. I had summer camp! I just recently got back on Saturday. But I had gone to other peoples houses and didn't have my laptop to update you guys. I'm really sorry! I will have a better post here soon. Again I am really sorry, I hope you have a great day and I will be back at you soon! I love all of you guys! <3

"I love your hair!"

StoryTime: Meeting my other best friend. Winter of 2015 So to start off this tale. I love you besties! You know who you are and I hope I got this one and the other one right. So to start this off lets say that what I tell you doesn't mean I follow stereotypes or judge people on their lifestyle without knowing them. Alright, a few years ago I was staying with my aunt because my mom was on the road with my truck driving step-father.  My aunt wanted me to leave the house more often, since it was summer and everything. So she proceeded to look into the local Salvation Army's activities. You see, we are a struggling family as a whole, we get the help we need to have food on the table during the holidays when its the hardest because of the Salvation Army. Any way, we had heard over the holidays when we got the help, that they have youth activities. One of them happened to be music. A...

"Can I please JUST rake the leaves?"

StoryTime: Meting my first best friend summer of 2009 Alright, so this is a very honest and very weird telling of meeting my first ever bestie. She and I have had out ups and downs over these 8 years, but I love my dorky friend. So this is the lovely, tale of our meeting. So eight years ago, I moved into a new house with my mom. We moved into a house that my great-grandparents own and park their RV when they aren't traveling.So one day my great grandparents and I were fixing up the yard. Picking up sticks raking, pulling weeds and the sorts. Well I was doing my favorite job..... Raking leaves! At a young age I liked my chores odd enough. Anyway, I was doing as I was told to do. My great grandma sees our neighbors little girl, about 2 years younger than me, playing in their yard. Since it was my first year there I didn't have friends. So while I was humming and raking, my great grandmother asked the mother of the the little girl if we could be introduced. She said yes and w...

French class......

Topic: Kind of a rant... OK, as few if any of you know I happen to be in high school. In high school I take advanced courses and stuff like that. I hate it to say the least. But right now I have one enemy........ FRENCH CLASS. Although I'm home/virtual schooled, it isn't easy!!!! Its probably 10 times harder. So I'm going to give you some reason why its harder. 1: You cant use the Internet at all..... Your not allowed to even use a dictionary to learn new vocab.... It sucks! 2: No translator sites even reliable ones. Which sucks more because how the hell am I gonna know all that French or know how to translate on my own. 3: My teacher keeps accusing me of using translators! OK I'm not gonna lie I have used it a few times for simple little words. But they never called me out on certain things. Now that I use it for maybe a sentence for an example on wording examples, Which I reword and translate on my own, I get accused of making my whole paper with it. I've ...

Does Size Matter?

Topic: Does size matter OK so my friend has asked me to do a post on this topic to explain my thoughts and some truths. So, like most of my posts this is mostly opinionated. Others sadly think opposite of what I'm going to say. Before I get started, remember, there is NO ONE quite like YOU. You are you and don't let the haters get you down. The hates in all reality actually help you. They give you promotions and fans, they make you prove them wrong and you realize they were wrong all this time. I know these things take a while to understand and take to heart. Believe me, I know how hard it is to be hated on simple little things. Just know that if you strive to do your best, you will get where you want to go and prove them all wrong.  Alright, Does size matter? That's the constant question I'm hearing around the media and from friends. Interviewers are asking famous people their opinions on the subject. They try to make you think you have to be a certain way to be ...

Fan Person Issues

What do you think about when you hear fan girl? Most think of a nerdy girl with acne problems who eat their feeling and are clingy. Right? Well for those who don't know. That is a stereotype. Not all fan girls are alike. Take me for example. I have clear-ish skin, I don't have braces, and I try my best to not be to clingy. I do eat my feelings though. But I'm not overweight. I'm average for my age and height. I'm also not really tall or short. I'm 5'6" right now. I also have long-ish hair. It reaches it bit past my shoulders. Its dyed red. I'm a natural brunette though. Although its red and I'm a fangirl, its a natural red color. To some people I don't seem like a fangirl at all. I sometimes don't feel like a fangirl. This is just because of stereotypes. I wish we could break that frame of mind from people. Like for real not all people who read about serial killers for fun are serial killers. Their just probably cereal killers.... An...

Get to know me

As you can see from my title in this post you will get to know me. First off, I am a girl. I'm not gonna say my specific year but I am a teenager. I live with my mom and step-brother. My step-dad is a truck driver. And I also have 1 older step-sister and 1 younger step-sister. I also am home-schooled. Its fun honestly. I've skipped a grade in math and I get to take classes sooner than other kids my age. Which is cool I guess. I mean it hard and kids judge me for it. That's one reason I've started doing this. I'm kinda an outsider. I'm really shy and scared of people. I only have 2 really good friends. I don't like groups of people and tend to avoid them. I also don't particularly like strangers. Honestly, if you want to be friends you need to like comment about something I have with me or start talking about fandoms. My biggest dream right now, is to prove some people wrong, and support my mother and I. I've had my fair share of haters through s...

Hello Blogging Community. And Others

I doubt anyone will ever see this but I'm going to do this anyway.  Hi. You don't know me. Not for now anyway. You don't know my name. Or my family. But you will get to know me. This blog will kind of be.... Um how do I put it..... A vent for me to tell random people about my life. But who knows I might someday get famous or something. I'm not particularity looking to be famous, but I wont complain if I become famous, I'm looking to help people know their not alone. I know, I know, so cliche. Even so, I really do hope to touch a few more lives than I already have.  So I hope you enjoy my journey and relate in ways and change along with me. I hope even more that I help you realize I'm here for you and I care!  😀😀😀😀😀😆😆😆😆😆😆