Hello Blogging Community. And Others

I doubt anyone will ever see this but I'm going to do this anyway. 

Hi. You don't know me. Not for now anyway. You don't know my name. Or my family. But you will get to know me. This blog will kind of be.... Um how do I put it..... A vent for me to tell random people about my life. But who knows I might someday get famous or something.

I'm not particularity looking to be famous, but I wont complain if I become famous, I'm looking to help people know their not alone. I know, I know, so cliche. Even so, I really do hope to touch a few more lives than I already have. 

So I hope you enjoy my journey and relate in ways and change along with me. I hope even more that I help you realize I'm here for you and I care! 


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