
Showing posts from July, 2017

Love is Love!

Topic: LOVE IS LOVE! Alright, if you guys knew me in person you'd know I'm pretty chill with anything. But The Rainbow Community..... *Squeal* I am in love with the community. I fully support LOVE IS LOVE and YOU CAN'T CHOSE WHO YOU LOVE. OK, I was raised up to be loving and kind to all. I was raised up that anyone could love another despite of gender or lack thereof. My mom wanted me to accept everyone for who they are. She also has told me that she will love me no matter what. Now, I'm not trying to hurt any of you by saying any of that. I just thought since we are on the topic I might as well shed some truth. I'm also not saying that people hate because of hating parents, or vice versa. I just wanted you guys to know that was how it is for me. In other words.... I want to be like that for you guys. I want to give you guys the loving atmosphere that I've had. I want all of you to know I will love you no matter what you are or who you love. I'm here


Hey guys! I am so sorry for not posting for over a week. I have good reasons I swear. I DIDN'T forget about you guys. First off, I had WiFi issues. My WiFi motem was getting phased out, so they were cutting out WiFi. Which sucks, I honestly hated life with our WiFi. I was bored out of my mind. But it came back so we are all good there. Reason two. I had summer camp! I just recently got back on Saturday. But I had gone to other peoples houses and didn't have my laptop to update you guys. I'm really sorry! I will have a better post here soon. Again I am really sorry, I hope you have a great day and I will be back at you soon! I love all of you guys! <3